Wednesday, March 7, 2012

4 Years !?

We decided to restart the blog, because 2012 is going to be a huge year for the Murphys! Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

No time for posts, but always time for pictures!

No time just yet for postings, but I promise some are on there way. Here are some of our favorite pics we wanted to share.

Our house is so full of love right now its bursting! Tanner is truly amazing and Matt and I can't think of a time in our life that we have ever been happier!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Our new bundle of joy has finally arrived...

11:58 AM

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What are the Odds??

Hello All!

After much discussion, thought and prayer with each other and our doctor we have made the decision to have a c-section on Tanner's due date. The odds of a successful vaginal delivery are unfortunately not working in our favor. We had such a big decision to make that we decided to keep it quiet so that we could make the decision on our own without any outside influence. We needed to be sure that we were making the decision that was right for us, my body and baby Tanner. Plus, we wanted it to be as much of a surprise as possible.

Anyway, we are very excited to know that he will be here on Tuesday! The last few days I have been trying to mentally prepare myself for having a c-section. I had 9 months to mentally prepare myself for pushing out a watermelon, so I am now taking a crash course in c-sections. Being awake while being cut wide open is tough to prepare yourself for. But, I know I will be okay and we will continue to remember that we are there to have our beautiful baby Tanner!

Did you know that only 4% of babies are born on their due date? Pretty cool that he will be one of them.

So, we will be at the hospital tomorrow morning through Friday morning. The surgery will not take place until around noon on Tuesday. I am told that I will more than likely not be in my postpartum room until mid afternoon. So, with undergoing major abdominal surgery, being bed ridden for 24 hours, not eating for almost 24 hours, letting all the drugs and anesthesia wear off, having a catheter and IV hooked to me, no shower, trying to learn to breastfeed, etc, etc ... Wednesday and Thursday would be much better days for visitors. Tuesday will be jam packed and probably one of the tougher days to get through. Plus this way it will make time for the new Grandparents and Uncles to meet their new little man. Thank you so much for respecting the crazy time that Tuesday will be.

Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers and get ready to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tanner Michael Murphy!!

WakeMed Cary is on the corner of Tryon and Kildaire Farm Road. Visiting hours are 11am-8pm.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

39 Weeks and 6 Days


1) No one ever tells you just how difficult the last few weeks are.
2) Early labor signs mean absolutely nothing! NOTHING! I should have asked my doctor sooner.
3) My internal organs have no more room, really.
4) Tanner is now like a shark swimming in an aquarium. He still continues to kick and play in there and I tell him that if he wants to do that then he needs to come out and play with us, because it now hurts mommy.
5) Super Bowl Sunday is my Birthday. Happy 27 to me!
6) My first day of maternity leave was Friday. Mentally, I cannot work past my due date. Time to rest up for the big day!
7) We are delivering at WakeMed Cary.
8) This is the latest and last pic to be taken of me with a belly @ 39 weeks and 6 days.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Final Countdown.

Less than 18 days to go! I can't believe I have made it this far and how fast it has all gone! Since Sunday, I have felt more like myself than the entire span of this pregnancy, it has been wonderful! AND… I have actually slept some the last couple of nights. I am enjoying every second. I knew something was different when I woke up Sunday morning and insisted on going to the gym. (I didn’t do anything extreme, don’t worry!) But, I really had the energy to go. And typically, just getting through the day sucks every morsel of energy out of me. But even after doing cardio for 45 minutes, I felt great and had energy throughout the day.

I started having some early signs of labor on Tuesday, but at the time wasn’t really sure what was going on. So, I called the doc, told them what was going on and they asked that I go ahead and come in for my 37 week appointment a day early. All is okay, and I was basically told I could go into labor that night or in a couple of weeks. I soo wish there was an exact science to all of this. As much as I like to plan plan plan and have control of everything, this is really testing me. But that’s okay, I know Tanner will come out and play when he and my body are ready.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Grand Finale

Ok, so I am not as on top of these blogs like I used to be. You could definitely say that I am slowing down a bit! Matt and I went to our last and final shower on January 8th of last week. It was wonderful. The shower was held after work, at the Sheraton Imperial (where I work) and Teresa, threw the shower for Matt and I. Many of my closest work friends attended. The amount of food was overwhelming! There was a wonderful spread of fruits, veggies, (my favs!) chicken wings, chips and salsa and tortellini in alfredo sauce. There was also a nice, yummy cake to top it all off at the end. Tanner did a few somersaults in my belly after the sweetness of that cake! One things for sure, this pregnant woman can’t get enough sweet foods!!!

Its always nice to have the opportunity to socialize with everyone from work after work hours. Even though you spend more time with them then your own family, you still don’t really get to spend any true quality time. I am very lucky to be in a work environment of extremely warm and caring people. I have never worked anywhere that I truly enjoyed the people that surround me each and everyday. As Teresa told me the first time I met her at my interview in January 2006, “We are a family here.” It really does hold true. I am glad to say that Tanner’s due date will make two years for me with the Sheraton Imperial family.

We received so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts! We got an incredibly soft blue blanket from Pottery Barn that we registered for and a Gund bear to match, thermal receiving blankets, incredibly cute outfits and onesies, a diaper bag to match our stoller/infant carrier/pack-n-play, gift cards to Babies R Us and Target, baby’s first bible, nesting blocks, fun and musical TOYS, books, car window shades, car baby in sight mirror, an Eddie Bauer carseat for up to 100 lbs (thank you Erik and AV department!!), a gift card to Shutterfly to create Tanners first baby album (excellent, excellent gift Dot and Becky, ever so appropriate!), sheet saver, baby imprints to hang on walls, turtle themed robe, washcloths, socks and towel, 10 piece grooming set, rattles, teethers and on and on…. Thanks to each and everyone of you for everything. We really were overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and generosity.

A great thanks to Teresa (for everything!!) and everyone who helped with the planning of our lovely shower. Matt and I really enjoyed ourselves.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Drop It Like Its Hot

First and foremost, Happy New Year to everyone. We are enjoying these spring like temps in North Carolina this week. On the pregnancy front, we do have an update for the new year. Last week Kristy was at her (now weekly) doctor's appointment for the 35 week check up. It was revealed that the fetus has dropped (also known as lightening or engagement). Depending on where you read, this can mean that Tanner is about 2-4 weeks away from showtime. However, one of our doctors noted that he could be born tomorrow and everything would be fine. We know what you are all thinking... it may still be another 4 weeks before he is born. Babies tend to engage much earlier in first time moms.

Knowing all of this we began picking up the pace of preparations knowing that it actually could be anytime now. We started this weekend by putting the final touches on Tanner's nursery. With the exception of some minor organization, the room is ready for arrival. We also made one of our weekly trips to Target to get all of the supplies for the hospital. Kristy now has all of the essentials for her stay and Tanner's outfits are packed. This week Matt will be working on getting the car seat in the car and finding hospital supplies for himself (Red Bull and protein bars!)

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time of Year

The last three years Matt and I began a holiday tradition of seeing TSO (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) each year at the RBC Center in Raleigh. For us, it officially signifies the start of the Christmas celebrating season. The music is so powerful and moving and really does get you into the spirit of what this time of year is all about.

This year we put up a beautiful big tree in our house with ornaments both old and new, white lights, and additional red and silver ornaments to make it look extra Christmasy. We have been in our house for over 11 months now (January 17th is one year if you can believe it!!), but it was really nice to be able to celebrate and decorate in our home this year. We both remember this time last year when we were itching to get into our house and out of our apartment. We weren't able to put up a tree because the whole place was filled with packed boxes and there was barely room to even walk as we were merely weeks away from moving. Now here we are weeks away from the birth of our baby boy!

This Christmas was bittersweet for us. We had a wonderful time celebrating this beautiful time of year, however it was a bit emotional. All I could think about is that it was my last time with my parents and brother, last time at their house, last Christmas, last time traveling, etc before becoming a mommy. Next time they see me, I will have baby Tanner in my arms. I will be a daughter, sister and also a mom. Life will be different. I will be forever changed. Our responsibilities will be much greater. Our priorities will shift making sure that Tanner has all the love, support, guidance and care that he needs and more. Next Christmas Santa will be back in our lives, Tanner will be 11 months old, and new Traditions will begin.

Now please don't take any of this as being negative in any way. Matt and I could not be more thrilled about his arrival. I personally cannot wait to meet the little man. To think that I have been pregnant 8 out of the 12 months of 2007... I'm ready for him to be here already! We are so excited about the new addition to our family. I am lucky, because I will be the woman of the house! Matt, Brewster, Hogan, Tanner and the wife/mommy (me!!!)! I'm not gonna lie, I will be LOVING LIFE! 2008 is going to be an amazing New Year filled with so many memories, lots and lots of pictures, so much love, many new experiences, laughter, fun and happiness! Jealous?!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

POSITIVE is the Word of the Day

Why is it that people feel the need to tell you everything that is negative while you are pregnant? Especially the further along you get. Why does it seem that everyones "Birth Story" is more like a Horror story??!! Please stop telling me I will go past my due date (I know the facts and figures people - 36% before due date - 4% on due date - and 60% deliver after their due date), or that I'm gonna have a big baby (I am measuring on schedule, I have gained the appropriate amount of weight, and he is the right size for where I am at in my pregnancy) or {one more thing on that note} DO NOT look at me and say that I look like I'm going to have a pretty good size baby because I can only take that to mean one thing! Also, don't tell me that I might have twins because one could always be hiding (um... NO, we have had more ultrasounds than most do and the Doc shows us where all of Tanner's body parts are just by feeling my stomach, plus I'd be much much bigger right now), or when people feel the need to tell me how I won't sleep at all when he gets here (hey, well guess what, contrary to popular belief I actually will get more sleep because I have gotten zero the last couple of months... so bring him on and I will sleep whenever he chooses to {which WILL be MUCH more than what I get now, I promise you that}. But, I mean really, obviously one would know prior to being pregnant that the first 6-8 weeks or so after the baby is born may be a little tough... does that mean you shouldn't get pregnant?!) DUH, no it doesn't, so just shush about the small challenges we will face once he is born.

If this sounds like a long rant and rave... well, it is and I apologize. This last month is just kicking my butt and I need all the positiveness in my life that I can get. So maybe I will go past my due date, so maybe my baby will be ginormous or have a big head.. that's okay, lets just send out positive vibes for now in hopes that I have the best labor and delivery imaginable with the outcome of one very healthy and happy baby.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Poll

PS... the due date is February 5th. For those of you guessing two weeks after the due date.. I would never wish that on you - so please make your thoughts more positive for my sake. Thank you in advance! :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

One Special Day.

Sunday was a day that I will never forget. Many of my favorite people in my life and many who I don’t get to see half as often as I would like to came to the shower that my best friend Michelle gave me. It was so very special to me to have friends from all area’s and periods of my life surround me in one day. Old friends, new friends, friends who traveled quite some way to be there … If my calculations are right, total travel time to the shower for all who made it was over 15 hours. Shana, obviously being the winner of the “who traveled the furthest” contest, as she came in from Savannah, GA. What a friend, is all I can say!

Michelle is one of those people who I know will always be in my life. Her and I met a bit over three years ago and she truly is my best friend and all that you could ever ask for in a friend. She has more on her plate right now than probably anyone I know, yet insisted on having a shower for me and baby Tanner. She works full time in the hospitality industry and is also a full time wife and mother of three. (3.5 month old twins and a four year old) How does she do it all? I have NO idea!! I am very thankful to have someone like her in my life.

The shower started off with having everyone decorate burp clothes and bibs for Tanner. Who needs bibs from Baby Gap and Pottery Barn Kids when you have my friends?!? These bibs were amazingly creative and super cute. Michelle also had everyone cut a piece of string to try to guess the size of my belly… let me just say, everyone must think I’m HUGE! Everyone completely overestimated, haha, but it was all in good fun. It was then time to indulge ourselves in the elaborate spread of food that Michelle prepared. She had two of my favorites… carved turkey and a big bowl of delicious fresh fruit. There were also phyllo shells filled with chicken salad, a wide variety of cheese spreads, various munchies and baby blue punch.

I have hit the point in my pregnancy when I am HOT all the time. I seriously think I was sweating the entire time of opening gifts… I would like to think it was only because I was overwhelmed with everyones generosity, but I think Tanner was hungry and decided to roast marshmallows or start a campfire in my belly like he’s been doing everyday for the last two weeks. Anyhow, Tanner and I were showered with lots of amazing gifts. Fun gifts, cute gifts, gifts from the heart, gifts of love, baby must haves….

Here are some of the things he received: Super cute outfits, magazine subscription, baby entertainment toys, rattles, teething rings, bottle nipples, bottles, spoons, pacifiers, hangers, Pottery Barn changing table pad and covers, bathtub organizer, bibs, books, towels, socks, soft and cozy PJ’s, baby’s “first” containers (ie: first curl, first tooth), closet shelving, babys “first” hand and foot prints frame, diaper depot, DIAPERS (!!), Target gift card, and on and on. There are two things I do have to mention that really touched my heart. Some people really do put so much time and effort into gift giving. Their thoughtfulness is overwhelming. Matt’s mom had already made me cry once at the first shower with a tear jerking poem accompanying two outfits that were made for Matt when he was born from his paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother. At this shower, I opened a box with what looked to be like a brand new cozy blanket. It turns out that it was Matt’s when he was a little boy. How cool that Tanner will be able to have his Daddy’s blanket! Also, one of our dearest and best friends, Jenn, gave us the most beautifully arranged basket of goodies. The thing that stood out the most in the basket was a gift certificate from her for home cooked meals, once a week for four weeks. I honestly can't think of anything more thoughtful.

After this weekend, I have once again realized how blessed I am in my life. Thank you to all who were able to make it on Sunday. And for those who weren't, I completely understand because this is a crazy time of year for all! Thank you to my wonderful friend Michelle for putting the whole thing together - you are the best!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Two Down & Two to Go!

This weekend we headed to Greenville for the shower my mom was throwing for us. We had family and friends traveling to this shower from 3-5 hours away and it was very special to us that they all were able to make it. Many of my cousins and mom's sisters came, along with some family friends and two of my best friends from high school. Matt even decided that he wanted to attend this shower. :)

My mom never just throws a party or has a catering event, she always goes all out.. and boy did she! It was beautiful! The colors of everything from the balloons to the linen to the cake was baby (not Carolina) blue and brown. All else was Pooh Bear themed. The food was out of this world! There were homemade chicken salad croissants, whipped yogurt and fruit trifle, homemade potato salad, stuffed tortellini and we can't forget the chocolate and coconut cake!!

Baby Tanner received some great gifts at this shower that will last a lifetime. My parents announced that they were starting an education fund for Tanner that they will make the first contribution to. Some of our families best friends, the Heroys, came up with this idea and that is also what they wanted for him to have. Tanner also got many many memorable books that Matt and I remember from our childhood. He also got: a travel booster seat, bundle me for infant car seat, baby Bjorn, the letters T-A-N-N-E-R from Pottery Barn for above his crib, soft and cozy blanket and hat from Pottery Barn, gift certificates to Babies R Us, Johnson's baby supplies, 3 in 1 sit and store tub side seat, bibs, a calendar for baby's firsts, very cute clothes (even one outfit that could be for his Christening) and a memory box for his dresser.

This weekend was wonderful! I only wish we had more time to spend with each and every person at the shower. Many of the people there we don't get to see very often. They all hold a very special place in our hearts and we are so very thankful for them being able to be there. Thank you Mom for hosting a wonderful party! I appreciate all the detail and time you put into it, especially with it being the busiest time of year for you. Love you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Its Getting Real!!

This past weekend I had my first baby shower (of four!!). Can I just say that baby Tanner racked up! Christmas came early for him and he is not even here yet! My wonderful mother-in-law (Meme) threw me the first shower in Charlotte. I truly am blessed to have someone like her in my life, she is just amazing. The shower had a Noah’s Ark theme, which I absolutely love! I had always said if we had a boy that is how I would decorate the nursery… hope I don’t regret choosing another theme instead! She had delicious food catered from “Toast”, a local restaurant in Huntersville with things like prosciutto wrapped asparagus, mini spinach quiche, sesame chicken skewers and fruit medley skewers. Grandma Slater also sent down some wonderful goodies…Buckeyes (chocolate, peanut butter, and rice krispies!! YUM!) and white chocolate dyed blue and molded into booties, bottles and diaper pins. Meme also had games arranged such as bingo, a nursery rhyme game, and guess how big the pregnant lady is with a string.

It was so touching that so many people were able to come despite the shower being held the day after Thanksgiving when most are traveling and spending quality time with their families. I won’t name any names, (haha) but it took some people over three hours to get there even though it should have only taken them one. :) (Mom, please ask dad for a GPS for Christmas, please. Or maybe make sure there is a map in your car before you are about to venture into the unknown. Just kidding.) :) I have to say one of the things that touched my heart most was Matt’s Aunt Debbie and Uncle Paul driving all the way down from Ohio Friday morning (getting up at 3am!!!) to be at the shower. It was so special to me and I will never forget that.

Tanner got so many of the millions of things that he (we) need!! Many of the gifts were from our registry which is awesome, because obviously those are the things that we need the most. Some of the things he got were: Pack-n-play, swing and bounce swing, stroller and infant carrier, rainforest jumperoo, rainforest melodies and lights deluxe gym, baby monitor, snug glider swing frame, floppy seat, boppy, thermometer, hamper, soft and cozy blankets, a handmade ABC123 quilt, newborn tub, toys, bottles, books, outfits and onesies, bibs, beautifully filled baskets, some NC State gear, and baby’s first piggy bank. The list goes on and on, but I was certainly overwhelmed! I also can’t forget to mention my sweet sweet husband’s sneaky surprise. First, let me start by saying when we arrived at the Murphy’s on Thanksgiving day there was already a table filled with gifts of all the people who were unable to attend. Little did I know that in that mix was a special surprise from my Mattie! So on with the story… I was about half way through with opening gifts and I opened up the next card…without even reading the words I was like, wait a minute, I know this handwriting, so I flipped the card over to see who signed it and sure enough it was my husband. I started to read it and literally got through the first three or four words and had to put it down… I was in tears. He is the sweetest man alive. So I came back to his card and gift at the very end but still was unable to read the card at that point… I did however open the gift and it was the exact diaper bag that I wanted! (An Amy Michelle designer baby bag) I guess he was listening! It is brown on the outside with periwinkle blue lining. Usually, it is hard to surprise me, because I am not typically fond of surprises and like to know what is going on at all times. But, this was one of the nicest surprises ever. If you’re wondering, I was able to finally read the card! :)

Friday was a great time that I will not soon forget and now I have three more showers to come that have a lot to live up to! Thank you so much Mom/Meme Murphy for everything!

PS - our house is now full to the brim! We're not quite sure where it all is going to go.. SO - when you come visit, please excuse the mess because I certainly don't see it getting any better! Thank you in advance for your understanding! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Now Playing: Tanner Murphy in 3D

As of today we are down to just over 2 months or 10 weeks or 69 days or 1656 hours .... do you think we are ready for this baby to arrive? Tanner has been doing his thing (kicking, swimming, growing) and we have been working hard getting ready for him. All the furniture has (finally) arrived and his room is painted a nice "sonic sky" blue. Once everything is decorated and in order we will post nursery pictures. In addition to the nursery prep, we have been attending classes at WakeMed Cary Hospital that have covered everything from labor and delivery to new parent time management to breastfeeding. Needless to say we are learning some things that we had never expected to know (tar poo in the first diapers!).
Enough with the boring stuff though. Today, we got to experience some of the advances in technology with a 4D/3D ultrasound. We went this morning with our fingers crossed that baby Tanner would be in a cooperative mood for his first photos. Well, he wasn't! He was sleeping and he kept putting his hands over his face. But, we did get some good pics out of it. Our first reaction is that he looks completely like his daddy, but we'll let you be the judge:

Here is a short video of him while sleeping:

Monday, November 5, 2007

Finally! ... I know!

So, I can't even tell you how many long distance friends and family members have requested pictures of my belly or baby bump (whatever you prefer to call it). I know you don't get to see me often so photos help you stay better connected, but I have just not felt like snapping pictures of myself. Truthfully, I usually love taking pictures. Gotta preserve those memories people! (quick -what movie is that from??) But, when pregnancy has made your hair and skin go to the crapper and your belly is stretching by the minute, it doesn't really put you in the mood for photo opps. I had not given in until this weekend.

Two of our best friends got married this weekend, so of course the photos kept on coming. (And let me take a moment to say that Jenn and Matt could not have looked more happy.. the wedding was gorgeous ... and the bride was absolutely stunning!!) For those of you who don't have facebook or myspace (where the pics are already posted), you can see me here at 27 weeks pregnant. I got this outfit one week ago and when I wore it this weekend I already felt like I was about to pop out of the top! Better wear it a couple of times this week to get my moneys worth!! And that's another topic worth discussing at some point ... maternity clothes are ridiculously expensive!!

Please note that one of our friends (MARIA) made me pose this way... really, she forced me to take the pic. :) So please thank her. I've also included another photo from this weekend of the happiest couple in the world!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Two Year Anniversary: October 22

It is so hard to believe just how fast time flies by. Two years ago, we were married. One year ago we were building a house that became our home in January of this year. And now, we are counting down to our baby's due date! Once you start counting the weeks as we have been the last seven months, I sware it makes time go by even faster. (if that's possible!)

Matt and I have been so blessed in love and in life and were lucky enough to meet one another six years ago. With each passing moment we are more and more happy! We know how lucky we are to have one another and will never take that for granted. I used to think the term "soul mates" was only used for TV and movies. Matt is my soul mate. We truly are each others everything and I don't know where I'd be without him. He is the best guy in the world and my best friend. I love him so very much and can not wait to experience having our first little one together!



Monday, October 15, 2007

Getting Ready for Baby Murphy - Part 1

Long time no blog! As this first real fall weather rolled it really sank in that summer is definitely over and we only have 16 weeks until Kristy's due date. With the holidays fast approaching, we have been trying to get everything done we can before both start to get busy.

One thing that we (meaning me) never really considered was finding a pediatrician this early. However, at WakeMed you must be registered no later than 25 weeks. To be registered you must have a pediatrician. With this new task and some recommendations from friends, Kristy and I headed to a "Pre-Natal Orientation" at a pedatrician's office in Cary. One funny anectdote is our encounter with the women who will be always referred to as "The Notebook Lady." All of the attendees were parents-to-be (Kristy and I were by far the shortest along which either makes us obsessive or really good parents-to-be, my vote is for the later) with the exception of one lady who had three kids between the ages of 3 and 10. Keep in mind that this was a "Pre-Natal Orientation" and the purpose was to inform pregnant couples on procedures post delivery. Well Mrs. Notebook dominated the conversation asking questions about everything that would not pertain to us (or our baby) before 2010. Her act went from annoying to comical when she began to lecture all of the parents-to-be on the proper way to document illnesses and any health abnormalities that her children experience. She told us about her three notebooks (one for each child) that she writes everything down in. How many times did Johnny throw up after eating that extra bowl of Dora the Explorer SpaghettiO's? What was the color of Suzie's snot the last time she had a cold? Now, this is actually a really good idea so you have vital information like vaccinations in one spot, but her delivery was so over the top that she came off as whack-o. In her defense she was new to the area and looking for a new pediatrician, but that could have been done with a meeting with the nurse coordinator at another time. In the end, the trip was very good and we are pleased enough with the office staff and proximity to our house to at least use them for the first few visits after Baby Boy Murphy comes home in February and maybe by then we will be the new Mr. and Mrs. Notebook.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nursery Furniture

Ok, so we can now also check nursery room furniture off of our list. Baby Boy Murphys wonderful grandparents MeMe & Pop Murphy purchased the crib today! How thankful are we!! :) So we also went out today and got the dresser chest and changing table to match. Everything is coming together slowly but surely!